Maxann Crotts-Harvey Acting / Camera Workshop
Oct 20th in Valley,AL.
$50 Deposits must be in by Oct 10th to reserve your spot.
The Acting workshop is $150 1-5pm CT
Up to 100 pictures that same day(just bring flashdrive or computer) is $100 9-12 CT
All info needed is in Oct magazine, or on Dana Waldrop's facebook page or Maxannssite or FB
Don't miss this opportunity!
Be able to add this to your resume' to impress any Casting Director, and to finally sign a contract after experience in your field of the Industry!
Oct 20th in Valley,AL.
$50 Deposits must be in by Oct 10th to reserve your spot.
The Acting workshop is $150 1-5pm CT
Up to 100 pictures that same day(just bring flashdrive or computer) is $100 9-12 CT
All info needed is in Oct magazine, or on Dana Waldrop's facebook page or Maxannssite or FB
Don't miss this opportunity!
Be able to add this to your resume' to impress any Casting Director, and to finally sign a contract after experience in your field of the Industry!